Our Friend is Moving

adam katie
When friends move away.

Hi, I’m going to cry. I just know it. The tears are swelling in my eyes as I am typing. Today Katie is on her way to the airport. She’s flying to North Carolina to be with her mom, sister, her brother and her family. Katie is very happy. I truly am happy for her as well. However, it’s bittersweet.

What can I tell you about Katie? I consider her one of my kids. She’s fun, care-free and you are left to wonder what color her hair will be the next time you see her. Heck, she might even shave it off! Katie makes my son happy. And that makes me happy! She loves cats and anything furry.

Keeping in touch with today’s technology will be very heart warming. I have already been looking into the Skype for computer and the app for my Android. And of course text and phone calls. Vacations are always possible.

Kate’s leaving is bittersweet. Saying good-bye is never easy. God brought Katie into our lives. I will treasure our friendship and remember her always.

The collage above features images from a casual photo shoot last year. I was preparing a photography order to send to the lab. The lab was having an 8×10 half price sale so I wanted to take advantage of the special. I was going through all of my images and ran across these. The above collage was designed (with Fotofusion) as an 8×10 and I had 5 of them printed. One for each of the kids plus me, my mom and Erika.

Did you ever have a good friend move away? How did you cope with them leaving?

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Best Wishes,