Flashback Thursday | 09-18-14

As I was updating the site and writing the About page, a wonderful idea came to mind. I have so many pictures from my first digital camera. So many of the kids I never printed. They were just stashed away on a bookshelf in my office. What fun “Throw back/ Flashback” posts can make? Let’s find out how many smiles I can bring your way! I certainly had a few. Each week I will make a post of images as I sort through my disks. Enjoy!

flashback from 2002
Flashback from 2002

Summertime Snacks

summer snacks
Summer Snacks

With summertime approaching, refreshing treats are always great to have around. One great tool to keep on hand to satisfy this craving is a popsicle mold! This mold leaves room for ample creativity since you can freeze just about any drink to make a cold yummy treat! The possibilities are endless! Here is just a start of some ideas of different drinks that can be made into popsicles;

Homemade Smoothies
Cranberry Juice with Raspberries
Chocolate Milk
Lemonade with Diced Strawberries

So grab some popsicle molds and start experimenting with different juices and drinks to make your summer extra cool!

A Dunkin Donuts Kind of Day!

dunkin donuts
Dunkin Donuts

Last week I left the house earlier than my normal. On my drive I was amazed at how pretty the scenery looked. This was truly an inspiration for me to keep leaving at this time every morning. After completing my errands before heading into work, I treated myself to some delicious Dunkin Donuts!

Photographing people is what I do. It’s very enjoyable. However these past several months I have been drawn to landscape photography. This is so new to me. Seeing the same places in different times of the day and noticing how the lighting makes the same view look different. Sounds funny, however a new inspiration has overcome me and I find I am once again excited to carry my camera all the time.
