Huff n Puff

huff n puff

huff n puff

Huff n Puff

Hi, last Saturday I had a great time at Lake Shawnee’s, Huff n Puff. This is an annual event and each year I say I’m going to go and never seem to make it. Well this year I did go and it was fun.

There were 29 balloons total at this year’s huff n puff. Not all of them launched into flight. Upon my arrival several of the baskets and balloons were being laid out for the inflation process. The collage below shows how the basket is laid on its side and the balloon stretched out straight. Several crew members will hold the balloon open for the air to enter into the balloon.

balloon inflating

The balloons were huge. As I said they were fun to see. People watching was just as fun. Everyone was taking pictures. Cameras ranged from cell phone to professional setups. Most of the photographers were friendly and engaged in photography talk. Which I enjoy ever so much. My camera of choice for this evening was my grandma camera the Sony Nex series- leaving my professional camera at home. I am a firm believer that it’s just not the “camera” that creates the great pictures. A person needs to know what their camera can do; know what all the buttons are used for and always have the instruction manual close at hand. Yes- entry level cameras will have more limitations than professional lens and cameras, but great images can still be achieved.

Depth of Field

Get comfortable with depth of field. I knew this event I would be shooting more landscape photography. Be sure that as much of your scene is in focus as possible. The simplest way to do this is to choose a small Aperture setting (a large number) as the smaller your aperture the greater the depth of field in your shots.

Do keep in mind that smaller apertures mean less light is hitting your image sensor at any point in time so they will mean you need to compensate either by increasing your ISO or lengthening your shutter speed (or both). It is suggested a tripod is used for clear images.

White Balance

White balance in my opinion is the easiest and most overlooked setting a lot of photographers make. Your camera will try and set white balance automatically based on the type of light in which you’re shooting. Different light casts different types of color—sunlight is very blue, tungsten lighting is yellow, and fluorescent is a bit green. In many cases, the camera will automatically detect what type of lighting you’re under and adjust the color in photos so that they look natural. You can correct color in Photoshop or similar editing program later on, but you’ll get better-looking photos if you get the white balance right in the first place.


Click here to view the Huff n Puff image gallery.

Best Wishes,

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Our Friend is Moving

adam katie
When friends move away.

Hi, I’m going to cry. I just know it. The tears are swelling in my eyes as I am typing. Today Katie is on her way to the airport. She’s flying to North Carolina to be with her mom, sister, her brother and her family. Katie is very happy. I truly am happy for her as well. However, it’s bittersweet.

What can I tell you about Katie? I consider her one of my kids. She’s fun, care-free and you are left to wonder what color her hair will be the next time you see her. Heck, she might even shave it off! Katie makes my son happy. And that makes me happy! She loves cats and anything furry.

Keeping in touch with today’s technology will be very heart warming. I have already been looking into the Skype for computer and the app for my Android. And of course text and phone calls. Vacations are always possible.

Kate’s leaving is bittersweet. Saying good-bye is never easy. God brought Katie into our lives. I will treasure our friendship and remember her always.

The collage above features images from a casual photo shoot last year. I was preparing a photography order to send to the lab. The lab was having an 8×10 half price sale so I wanted to take advantage of the special. I was going through all of my images and ran across these. The above collage was designed (with Fotofusion) as an 8×10 and I had 5 of them printed. One for each of the kids plus me, my mom and Erika.

Did you ever have a good friend move away? How did you cope with them leaving?

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Best Wishes,

Date with Grand Daughter!

fun zoo date
Date with grand daughter!

Hi, what a delight it was spending the day with my grand daughter. Last Saturday began at 6:30 am. That’s early for a weekend day for me! Jumped out of bed, took my shower, got dressed and off to see Brie I went. Mind, I never put on my makeup.

The collage above is a short story of our morning. Of course we needed a new selfie and I just loved how Brie was sitting with her cat, Boo at the door. My daughter has a membership with the local zoo. That was our adventure for the day.

After entering the zoo, there is this board scene with cut outs to stick your head through. I tried getting Brie to do this- no way. Couldn’t convince her. I’m not bashful here. There was a young family approaching the wall. The mother was arranging to take a picture of her two children and husband. I naturally offered to take the picture of all four of them. She was tickled and agreed to let me do so. Score!

Briella was intrigued. Once the family left, three collage aged girls stopped by and asked if I would take their picture. Certainly. Winner. Briella on her own went to the backside and stuck her head through. One of the collage girls offered to take our picture. I was happy! We were able to get two pictures of us- one was nice faces and the second was silly faces.

This zoo is large enough to feature elephants, hippos, bears, tropical birds and more- yet not so large to walk through all the exhibits. Just the right size for this grandma and grand daughter! We had a wonderful day together.

Wouldn’t you know- as I mentioned earlier, I walked out of the house with no make-up on. While at the zoo, I ran into several people I knew. Go figure. Away from the hometown and every time I turned around I was greeted by a neighbor or friend! Has something similar ever happened to you?

Best Wishes,