Breakfast with the Girls

Breakfast with the Girls.

breakfast with the girls
Breakfast with the Girls!

Sunday morning my husband woke me up asking if I would like to have breakfast with him and the girls. Of course I asked, “What girls?” Again he asked the same question. It took me a bit to figure out he was speaking of the cows!

My date consisted of biscuits and gravy from the local BP and then to Casey’s for tea. According to Kevin BP has the better biscuits and gravy with Casey’s having the better tea. Then off to the pasture to see the girls!

A couple of the cows are rather tame. When parked, I got out and stood in front of the truck. One of the girls came right up to me. Kevin softly said don’t move. The cow licked my arm. It startled me and in turn spooked the cow. Off she ran. The tongue was rough like sandpaper.

Of course being in the cow pasture, one had to be careful where to step!

Wikipedia (Breakfast)

Wikipedia (Cattle)

Kids Health

Bryant’s Wake Up Celebration

Bryant’s Wake Up Celebration at Ryan’s restaurant.

It was ten years ago Bryant woke up from a coma. Kevin received the call June 2003 that Bryant had been in a car wreck and was in the hospital. It wasn’t until we went to visit him- actually his parents and sister, that I realized just how serious his injuries were. To describe my memories of that time is difficult. How to put them into words? All I can say at this time, “What a pleasure it was at Bryant’s Wake Up Celebration!” So many happy people were at this gathering.

The complete gallery is available for download in the Family section.

Father’s Day | 3 Generations of Dad’s

Father’s Day Weekend with 3 generations of dad’s!

3 generation fathers
3 Generations of Fathers

Let me first say, Father’s Day weekend was fun! Saturday I was able to spend the morning with my daughter, son-in-law and Briella. We went to the park and took lovely images of Brie in her pretty blue dress (previous post). Sunday began at 8:00 am at the local TSC store.

My daughter and husband have for many years gone to bird shows- I am not up on the technical terms so bare with me. Every third Sunday TSC hosts a swap meet for small livestock- chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits. It was amazing because chickens are not just chickens- there are many different breeds and these people know them all!

Briella was not the happiest camper. Her gums were tender with the last tooth cutting through. But when Erika brought the little rabbit over for Briella to see, she soon brightened up and was thrilled with “Bubble”. Oh how she got excited and began saying bubble repeatedly. According to Erika, Briella was referring to the cartoon, Bubble Guppies. And that was how the rabbit got her name!

After the swap meet we went back to Erika and Shaune’s home where my folks came over for dinner. Shaune smoked brisket and it was delicious! Homemade ice cream and chocolate cake was for dessert. Yum.

View the online gallery here.